HomeGOVERNANCEShareholding structure

Shareholding structure

The share capital amounts to € 235,000,000 and is represented by 44,512,598 fully paid shares without specification of par value. Each security representing the share capital carries one voting right.

The shareholding structure of Financière de Tubize as indicated by (i) the notifications received by the Company in accordance with the Act of 2 May 2007 concerning the publication of significant holdings, and (ii) notifications made in accordance with the market abuse regulation by the directors of the Company or by persons closely related to them, and taking into account the distribution of the voting rights between those held in concert and those held independently, is as follows:

FEJ SRL8,525,01419.15%1,988,8004.47%10,513,81423.62%
DANIEL JANSSEN5,881,67713.21%--5,881,67713.21%
ALTAÏ INVEST SA4,969,79511.16%40.2050.09%5,010,00011.26%
BARNFIN SA3.915.5798,80%--3.915.5798,80%
TOTAL VOTING RIGHTS HELD IN CONCERT23,292,06552.33%2,029,0054.56%25,321,07056.89%
OTHER SHAREHOLDERS--19,191,52843.11%19,191,52843.11%
TOTAL VOTING RIGHTS23,292,06552.33%21,220,53347.67%44,512,598100%

FEJ SRL, Daniel Janssen, Altaï Invest SA (controlled by Evelyn du Monceau), and Barnfin SA act in concert. The applicable terms are laid down in a shareholders agreement. The key elements of this agreement can be summarised as follows:

The objective of the concert is to ensure, through Financière de Tubize, the stability of the shareholding structure of UCB with a view to the long-term industrial development of the latter. With this in mind, it aims to maintain the predominance of the family shareholding structure of Financière de Tubize.

The parties to the concert consult with each other about the decisions to be taken at the general meeting of Financière de Tubize and try, as far as is possible, to reach a consensus. They ensure that they are properly represented on the Board of Directors of Financière de Tubize. Within this Board and through their representatives on the UCB Board of Directors, they consult with each other about the significant strategic decisions concerning UCB and try, as far as is possible, to reach a consensus.

The parties inform each other prior to any project of significant acquisition or sale of shares of Financière de Tubize. Pre-emption rights and tag-along rights are also in place within the family.