– The directors’ remuneration does not include any variable
element linked to results or other performance criteria.
Moreover, the directors do not benefit from remuneration in the
form of shares, stock options or an extra-legal pension scheme.
The derogation from Principle 7.6 of the Code is justified in
view of the specificities of the Company and in particular the
lack of executive directors.
– By derogation from Principle 7.9 of the Code, the director in
charge of the day-to-day management of the Company does
not benefit from shares, stock options or any other right to
acquire shares of the Company.
The Board of Directors has implemented a process and a set of
procedures designed to ensure, with a reasonable degree of
certainty, the achievement of strategic objectives (Strategic),
the effectiveness and efficiency of operations (Operations),
compliance with laws and regulations (Compliance), and the
integrity and reliability of financial information (Reporting). The
Board evaluates this system of internal control once a year in its
capacity as the audit committee.
The system of internal control is tailored to the limited activities
of the Company and its simple operating structure. The internal
control measures are selected on the basis of the relevant
legal requirements, the principles of the relevant Belgian
Code Corporate Governance, the guidelines of the Corporate
Governance Committee and the five internal control components
developed within the international reference framework COSO
Five components of internal control
Integrity and ethical values; tone at the top supporting
internal control; a transparent; organisational structure
with a clear assignment of authority and responsibility
Risk assessment Identifying and assessing risks to the achievement of
the Company’s SOCR objectives
Control activities Establishing policies and procedures to mitigate these
Information and
Implementation of information and communication
systems to support and monitor the achievement of the
Monitoring Monitoring and regular evaluation of the measures
In the description of its procedures of internal control and risk
management, the Company identifies general procedures, specific
risk management procedures and specific procedures regarding
the financial reporting process.
General procedures
Integrity and ethical values are fundamental when conducting
business. They are embedded in the organisation by means
of several standards and procedures (corporate governance,
remuneration policy, dealing code, conflict of interests, social
responsibility, gender diversity, etc.).
The mission, objectives and strategy of the Company are clearly
A clear governance structure, based on the requirements of the
CAC and the principles of the Corporate Governance Code
relevant to the Company, has been implemented.
Responsibilities are clearly defined based on a segregation
between the responsibilities of the Board of Directors and those
of the general manager, and detailed rules with respect to
authorisation to sign, special authorisations and representation of
the Company.
A set of internal procedures ensures compliance with legal and
regulatory obligations and best practices.
Security measures are implemented to ensure the continuity and
reliability of information systems.
Specific risk management procedures
Section 2 of this report sets out the risks to which the company may
be exposed and the way these risks are managed.
Specific procedures regarding the financial
The content of the financial information is clearly defined. The
annual report consists of (i) the annual accounts prepared in
accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable
in Belgium (BE GAAP), (ii) the report from the Board of Directors
and (iii) the statement from the Board of Directors on the true and
fair view of the annual accounts and on the fair presentation given
in the management report. The half-year financial report consists
of (i) the condensed interim accounts prepared in accordance with
BE GAAP, (ii) the interim report from the Board of Directors, and
(iii) a statement from the Board of Directors on the true and fair
view of the condensed interim accounts.
The bookkeeping is undertaken by an external accountant
accredited by the ITAA, who uses a detailed procedures manual
to ensure compliance at all times with the legal and regulatory
requirements related to company accounts (Economic Code,
Book III, Title 3, Chapter 2 and its implementing royal decrees,
as well as the related opinions of the “Commission des Normes
Comptables”). The accounting software used is Exact Online.
The data processed in this software are stored on professional
certified servers. Moreover, all documents made available to the
accountant are digitalised and stored on certified servers of a
professional host, the reliability of whose internal control system
has been confirmed by an audit. A rigorous system has been put in
place to back up the data on the server.